Alan F
So the origin of the Christian God is as mysterious as is the origin of the Big Bang.
I didn't say: He was a mystery. I said: "God had no cause". But if you're saying that the universe came from nothing, I have some land I want to sell you, real cheap! If something can come from nothing I will write you a check for a million dollars, take it to the bank and try to cash it.
As for the Big Bang
According to the physicists who are the keepers of this idea
Can you name them, because the leading ones, like Stephen Hawking and Neil Turok would not agree with them.
: But you're the one with all the answers.
A typical Christian answer -- you don't speak truth. I never said or implied anything of the sort. Indeed, I don't even particularly believe that The Big Bang is a good explanation for the origin of the universe, and even if it's a partially decent explanation, it's far from complete.
What I mean is, you are telling us that you know more about the Christian God than the Christians do. It sounds like you are saying that if I knew what you know I would stop believing in God. Alan I didn't know you were such a bible scalar.
Living one's life based on realities that can be observed and/or produce real, observable effects is invariably better than living it based on unrealities such as Santa Clause. Many Christian claims, and ideas found in the Bible, are demonstrably unreal.
You must mean things like
how something came from nothing or the spontaneous appearance of life? The scientific explanation of those things by most takes much more faith to believe in, than the bible does.
Sorry, if believing in something bigger than myself or what I can see, offends you
Unlike many religious people who think they know the mind of the Christian God or some other god.
I do not make the claim to know the mind of God. I'm just trying to understand what He reveals in His word, and I don't think His word contains His entire mind.
: Yea, your fallen nature makes you feel good.
This comment has nothing to do with this thread, and serves only as a meaningless ad hominem that shows you can't answer the problems I posed.
Well, I think it has everything to do with this thread. Would you not agree that you (personally) can't choose to believe in God?
D Dog